World Teen Mental Wellness Day

Blog Author: Chloe Hall

World Teen Mental Wellness Day is on Saturday March 2nd

In this blog there is some advice which you may find useful if a friend or relative is finding things difficult. 

What can you do to help?  

If you have noticed that someone you know is not their usual self, one way to approach things is by asking how they are feeling. And ask them regularly. This shows that you are genuinely interested in their wellbeing. 

You can reassure them that you are always happy to listen and support, without judging them in any way, if it would help to talk. You are there for them. 

You can also try taking an interest in what matters to them. Perhaps they have a hobby which they could tell you about or show you. Not only might this distract them in a positive way, but it might help to lift their self esteem. 

Just being a good listener is important because it shows that you care about the way the person feels. You mustn’t worry about having quick answers to their concerns or finding a clear way forwards. The best thing is to listen supportively, while remembering not to appear intrusive. 

Of course, you mustn’t force anyone to talk about their feelings if they are not ready. Just be open and make yourself available to them. When they feel that the time is right, let them talk in a relaxed and unhurried way. You do not need to say much. Don’t forget that they may find it easier to open up while doing something else, for example, running a local errand or simply going for a walk. Just be sympathetic to their situation. 

Remaining relaxed and calm should also help to reassure the person that they are not facing things alone. It might suggest to them that while things are difficult, their situation is manageable. 

Experts suggest that being creative, being active, sharing things, learning something new, taking some exercise or simply going for a walk is important to help young people stay connected and provide a boost to their mental well-being. Socialising in a safe, comfortable and unpressured space is also beneficial. 

You could ask yourself what exactly is worrying them. While many worries do not play out as people fear they will, you should not make light of your friend’s fears. 

You might also consider whether their worries are likely to happen. If so, can you tell what the consequences might be? Is there a different angle which might help to give a new sense of perspective on these worries? There may well be no quick fix, but it might be possible to reduce the person’s anxiety by suggesting a fresh way to look at something, or by suggesting that trying to find a different vantage could help. 

Perhaps reducing time online and on social media might help to ease anxiety, stress, or feelings arising from social pressures. Taking some time for yourself is always important, for instance enjoying some downtime to relax, whether that’s reading a book or magazine, or listening to some music.

Does the person have a clearly defined routine? For example, do they set aside time for school work, time to relax, time for being in touch with friends, and time for taking a proper meal? A routine can help to keep things in proportion, and prevent someone from thinking nonstop about a particular worry. Consequently, a routine can help to ease anxiety. Is your friend getting enough sleep?

Tiredness can make things seem worse, leave people feeling irritable and make it harder to concentrate on the here and now. 

What else can you do? 

You can also focus on the person’s positive qualities. Be encouraging, reassure them that something better can come from the present situation. Everyone should take some time to be kind to themselves. 

One proven benefit for mental health is finding the opportunity to laugh. Researchers have proven that laughing increases levels of serotonin and dopamine which can make positive impacts on mood and outlook, including anyone experiencing anxiety, depression, or stress. You could try watching a comedy sketch together or seeing the funny side of something that has happened. 

And, don’t forget, you should aim to maintain your support. It can make a huge difference in the long run.


There is a lot of advice and help online for anyone who is finding things difficult. For example, you could try these sources of information.


HFEH Mind CYP Services

The Circle

Young Minds

NHS – Every Mind Matters


Posted on: 1st March 2024

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