Adult Mental Health Support In West London

Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow Mind provides a range of services to support people dealing with mental health issues:

  • Advocacy – help people to understand their legal rights when they have been detained under the Mental Health Act. We have two different advocacy services: Ealing Community, and Ealing Inpatient
  • Ealing Advice Service – Where to get information and help with specific issues
  • Out of Hospitals Pathways – Supporting adults in Ealing to maintain their mental health and wellbeing
  • Hammersmith & Fulham Safe Space – A local hub for anyone nearing crisis point. Available to phone, video chat, or walk in
  • Ealing Safe Space – A local hub for anyone nearing crisis point. Available to phone, video chat, or walk in
  • Hounslow Safe Space – A local hub for anyone nearing crisis point. Available to phone, video chat, or walk in
  • Hounslow Safe Space Helpline – A phone line for anyone in Hounslow needing urgent support, 365 days a year.
  • Safe Space Emergency Department – We have Safe Spaces in three hospitals throughout our boroughs to help those visiting A&E for mental health support
  • Mind My Home Spelthorne – Solution-focused therapy for Spelthorne residents
  • Spelthorne Wellbeing Space – A local hub, offering support for those experiencing challenges and in need of mental health support
  • Money Minded – Providing support for navigating your social and financial issues
  • NOVA ROOTS Forensic Women’s Hub – An out-of-hours community space for women aged 18+ leaving forensic mental health services
  • My Practice, My Health – Support booking and attending physical health checks for people with Severe Mental Illness (SMI)
  • Physical and Mental Health Focus Group – We are looking for people in the Hammersmith and Fulham area who are diagnosed with a severe mental illness to take part in our focus groups to help us improve primary health care services.
  • Dual Diagnosis Carers Support Group – Support for those caring for people with a dual diagnosis of a mental health and alcohol or drug issue
  • Compass – our advice service supporting adults to navigate social issues (housing, benefits & debt) in Hammersmith & Fulham and Hounslow
  • Supported Self-Help Programme – An early intervention programme for anyone who is starting to experience symptoms of worsening mental health.
  • Perinatal Partner’s Service – Becoming a new dad or non-birthing parent, especially with an unwell partner, can be extremely stressful. The service helps navigate this transition through one-on-one or group discussions.
  • Social Prescribing – A service embedded in your GP surgery that aims to connect you to community services and activities that support your health & wellbeing using a therapeutic approach.
  • Men’s Minds – The aim is to improve men’s mental health by developing a network supported and directed by the voices of its members. 
  • Wellbeing West London – A directory website we built in partnership with the West London NHS Trust to help you find mental health services throughout our boroughs.


To access most of Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing and Hounslow Mind’s services, you have to be a resident of the boroughs of Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing, or Hounslow, but this is not the case for all of our services.

To find out if you are eligible for a specific service, read the details on the service page or contact us.

To find out where your closest Local Mind Association is, please click here.

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