The Mind Way
Together, we’re building a culture we can all be proud of. We’re a community of passionate people – driven by our values…
Mind have more than 100 Federation Minds across England and Wales and HFEH Mind is one of them. Each local Mind has their own website with information on what they offer in your area. Here you can find out more about National Mind and how they operate along with their vision, mission and goals.
Mind’s Vision
We’re fighting for a future where no mind is left behind.
We want to create a mentally healthy society. Through our information, services and campaigns, we tackle stigma, barriers and isolation so that everyone can access mental health support when they need it.
Mind’s Goals
Staying well: Support people likely to develop mental health problems, to stay well.
Empowering choice: Empower people who experience a mental health problem to make informed choices about how they live and recover
Improving services and support: Ensure people get the right services and support at the right time to help their recovery and enable them to live with their mental health problem
Enabling social participation: Open the doors to people with experience of mental health problems participating fully in society
Removing inequality of opportunity: Gain equality of treatment for people who experience both mental health and other forms of discrimination
Organisational excellence: Make the most of our assets by building a culture of excellence.
Mind’s Values & Behaviours
Mind’s values & behaviours are at the heart of everything we do.
We put people first
We respect and care for each other and the diverse communities where we live and work.
We value every person as an individual and find strength in our differences.
We listen carefully to make sure we really understand what people are saying.
We’re stronger together
We embrace different points of view and work together to overcome our challenges.
We’re a community, always looking for ways to team up, sharing information, resources and knowledge openly.
We support each other, celebrate our shared successes and find joy in the everyday.
We speak up for what’s right
We’re serious about equity and inclusion–if we see or hear something that’s not right, we don’t look the other way.
We challenge each other with confidence and respect to find a way forward together.
We speak out and fight injustice and discrimination in mental health, supporting others to do the same.
We never stop learning
We’re curious, creative, and not afraid to try new things.
We take responsibility for what we do, admit mistakes openly and share learning widely.
We actively look for opportunities to learn and grow so we can do better for the people who need us.
We demand better for mental health
We’re guided by lived experience, expertise, and evidence to make sure our work has the biggest impact.
We look out for each other’s mental health when we work together.
We’re passionate and determined people, always looking for ways to build a better future for mental health.
Mind’s President
Mind’s President is Stephen Fry. He is our figurehead and our leading ambassador – promoting our causes and advocating on our behalf. Our president embodies our values; credibility, trustworthiness and authority.
Support Mind
People need Mind more than ever, and thanks to us, more and more people are getting support when they desperately need it.
Mind’s Plans
We’ve created an ambitious and visionary new strategy to achieve our goals.
Information and Support
When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information is vital.